Sunday, December 30, 2012


We only had one mechanical issue on the trip home. When we were ready to leave the Texas panhandle and head on into Dallas, we were unable to completely retract the full wall slide on the driver's side of the RV. After trying various remedies, we were able to get the slide retracted almost all the way. The RV was repaired at Lazydays in Tampa after we returned back to Florida.
We returned home to find a yard full of weeds, possibly more than previous years because Gainesville received a lot more rain in the summer of 2012.  We even had a small birds nest in the wreath hanging on the front door. For a better photo, we put the wreath on the porch floor.  The things that can happen to your house when we are away for several months!
Fortunately, there were no eggs in the nest, so we were able to remove it without disturbing the "family".
In reviewing our journey home, gas prices ranged from $3.47 to 3.68 per gallon. We averaged 7.40 mpg which is within .2 of the first RV we purchased 4 years ago. We stayed in 8 different campgrounds enroute home with an average cost of $30.10.

Only time will tell as to what, if any, our adventure might be for the summer of 2013. 

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