Thursday, May 24, 2012


Since Moab didn't have a repair facility capable of diagnosing our ABS brake light issue, we decided to head towards Salt Lake City to visit with a certified service center.  We rolled into Salt Lake City by mid-afternoon and, by dinner time, our problem was fixed.  The ongoing issue was a brake sensor that had to be replaced.  Even better news was the fact that this was covered by the warranty on the motorhome chasis.  Our frustration finally over, we planned for some hiking the next day.
We were pleasantly surprised to find a nice trail within the city limits.  In fact, the trail started just to the east of the Utah capital building pictured below.

We followed a combination walking and biking trail that followed City Creek.  A bit of history - the creek was the first water source used by the Mormon pioneers settling in the  Salt Lake Valley beginning in 1847.

The two photos below show just how fast the water was moving through this picturesque area.  It was a great hiking atmosphere so near downtown.  

We did find lots of new wildflowers along the way. Unfortunately, there was no botanist or park ranger to help us identify these flowers, but we enjoyed finding the different species during our hike.

 A very relaxing day after over 2000 miles of travel.   

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